As you may already know I took the plunge recently and invested in a Trackman Pro the worlds most advanced ball flight and club head analyser. This is now used by 90% of the worlds top PGA Tour Pros and Coaches as a tool to improve.
What is Trackman? To put it simply it’s a measuring device and is to teaching what an MRI machine is to medicine.
You could line up all the top golfers in the world today and you would not see two swings the same, what you don’t realise is they’re actually hitting very similar shots because when the club makes contact with the ball the numbers are often identical!
Just because a swing looks good it doesn’t always means it’s functioning correctly the same as a swing that might look a bit odd can function to a world class level.
Just because a person might look healthy on the outside doesn’t mean his blood pressure is good his heart rate and cholesterol are normal on the inside!
The doctor has the tools to measure these and knows what the numbers need to be so you can remain healthy
The equivalent three things that decide how healthy your impact is are your Face Angle your Club Path and your Angle of Attack.
Trackman will measure these so the coach can then confirm and if need be correct the problem amazingly fast !!
Video is like an X-Ray which is better than nothing, but Trackman is like an MRI Scanner – UNBEATABLE!!